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Get a free consultation with Fingoweb CEO - Slawomir Wilusz and discuss your app idea! We will advise you on issues such as technology selection, budget optimization, building & developing MVP or final product!
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+48 660 901 080

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Whether you're a corporation looking to expand your project team or the founder of a startup, we'll provide you with a team of experts and specialists tailored to your needs and guide you through technological advances.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Supported formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, max size 5 MB
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Trusted by many

Key features

Secure cloud storage
All organization files are stored in a private Microsoft Azure cloud.
Levels of access
Access levels allow building teams within one organization.
Secure AI integration
ChatGPT in Azure Cloud enables building a secure solution without the need to invest in on-premise infrastructure.
Data separation
Data is separated for each team, which increases security and improves work organization.

ChatGPT in Microsoft Azure – how does it work?

Current or new Microsoft Azure users can utilize selected language models (LLM) from OpenAI directly on their Azure Cloud servers – organization data or queries are not sent to OpenAI.

All data remains on the user's server and is not sent to OpenAI or other organizations creating AI models. Servers meet the highest security standards and are compliant with ISO, GDPR, HIPAA.
Access to the application via the website, the ability to define teams, superadmins, admins, users, and straightforward administration facilitate onboarding.
Within one service, teams can be defined and assigned to specific groups of files. This allows the chat application to use a different knowledge base for management than for lower-level employees.
AI Integration
Microsoft Azure enables easy and secure integration of AI language models into existing applications. Supported by advanced APIs, organizations can quickly deploy features such as text analysis and automated responses, increasing efficiency and automating processes.
blue dots
Application implementation time: 48h
How much does an internal AI application cost?
Explore the cost of an internal AI application and see how it can boost your business efficiency.
5000 $
One-time payment which includes:
  • lifetime software license

  • assistance in setting up your private cloud account in Microsoft Azure

  • installation & configuration

  • 8h of customer support

  • one year of free software updates

  • 5 years of security updates

Plus: the variable cost of maintaining the server infrastructure in Microsoft Azure. (Case example: 100 users, 50 questions per day – total monthly cost = 50$*)

* fees are sent directly to Microsoft

Request Demo for Free
Hi, I'm Slawek! Leave an email and get free access to the demo version of the application. You will be able to test the application with your own documents with 100% safety.


Know-How at Your Fingertips

Integrating AI-based chat in the organization significantly increases data accessibility, reduces response time, and enables effective work with numerous files.

ChatGPT in Azure allows uploading up to 10,000 files within a single team and in a variety of formats.

Quick response
Reduce response time for employees' questions.
Instant decisions
Analyze trends and make decisions in fractions of seconds.
Fast onboarding
Accelerate the onboarding process for new employees.
Increased efficiency
Reduce informational bottlenecks = increase organizational effectiveness.


Examples of Private ChatGPT Applications

Private ChatGPT streamlines work for the entire organization, as well as at the individual department level.

ChatGPT for HR Department

The company’s ChatGPT in Azure has a built-in Onboarding Team with access to a knowledge base regarding work organization, structure, and best practices. Instead of emailing or visiting the HR department, a new employee opens the chat window and asks, “Who do I report my leave to?”.

ChatGPT for Creative Department

The company has a creative department working on content marketing. ChatGPT in Azure for the creative team has access to guides, blog posts and news published on the company’s website in the past. The creative team significantly shortens the production time of new content by utilizing the generative capabilities of the LLM.

ChatGPT for Sales Department

The sales department has access to a private ChatGPT in Azure, whose knowledge is supplemented with sales data from the last 10 years. Before making key decisions, the sales department director requests a quick trend analysis in the chat application.

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Request details

Looking for a secure AI-based solution for your organization? Whether you are a Microsoft Azure customer or not, we will assist in setting up and configuring an account and creating an application using OpenAI models in Azure Cloud.

Tell us about your needs!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The system allows working with files with extensions:

  • .c
  • .cpp
  • .csv
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .java
  • .json
  • .md
  • .pdf
  • .php
  • .pptx
  • .py
  • .rb
  • .tex
  • .txt
  • .css
  • .jpeg
  • .jpg
  • .js
  • .gif
  • .png
  • .tar
  • .ts
  • .xlsx
  • .xml
  • .zip

Yes, to use a private ChatGPT in Microsoft Azure cloud, you need to have an account there. We will assist in the process of setting up a Microsoft Azure account for the organization and gaining access to models.

The client covers the server maintenance expenses and uses the LLM model. Server costs start from €15 / month, depending on the number of users. Language model costs are based on usage expressed in tokens. GPT-3.5 Turbo costs €0.0028 for 1000 input tokens and €0.0037 for 1000 output tokens. 1000 tokens are approximately 750 words.

No. All data remains on the organization's server, where the AI model is also “installed.” Organization data is not sent to OpenAI, and data-related queries also remain on the organization's server.

Trusted by many

We have worked with not only large Polish corporations, but also with ambitious startups from abroad like the USA, UK, Norway, Austria or Germany. What they have all in common is that they trust in us to deliver quality products.

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